Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Potato PoTAHto

Why spend time and energy on something that will be torn to shreds you might ask?  Not exactly sure. But it was a lot of fun. And it did involve recycling. It was sort of therapeutic. When you know something is going to be destroyed you feel more free to be creative. And I take great pleasure in hearing my sister say in mock disgust, "Really? you made the freaking wrapping paper?"  Only she didn't say "freaking".
 Here we go...
Cut your tater as straight as possible.

If you don't have a craft knife handy, or you are having the kids help, pull the eraser out of a pencil and..

pinch with pliers.Carve with the pinched end. 

Apply craft or poster paint with foam brush.

Stamp once or twice. or whatever you like. Repeat as necessary.

Have fun.


Play around with color and pattern.

I used newsprint and newspaper. I painted a light layer of paint on some of the newspaper and some were left plain. I forgot to take pictures of the presents I wrapped. *sigh.* I also covered some coffee cans which I used for cookie tins. They came out really cool. My coworkers were as excited about the paper as they were with the cookies!

This is my first ever post, so comments and questions are encouraged. 

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